Alceste Santuari
Un anno senza Umberto. Un anno senza la sua simpatia umana. Un anno senza la sua pazienza. Un anno senza i dialoghi con lui, che non sempre ci trovavano concordi su alcuni punti.
Un anno senza la sua maestria e le sue intuizioni. Mi manca l'amico; il professore universitario che sapeva guardare al di là delle discipline accademiche. Mi manca il suo conforto rispetto alle idee che gli sottoponevo. Non ho mai avvertito alcune distanza, nonostante la nostra differenza di età. Mi ha sempre spronato a dare il mio contributo. Umberto si fidava. Si lasciava convincere, se le proposte erano serie, argomentate. Si arrabbiava moltissimo se capiva che lo stavano prendendo in giro o peggio se lo usavano per fini che non erano quelli della ricerca.
Non è vero che il tempo lenisce le ferite o rende più accettabile la solitudine. Nella mia stanza in università ho una bella foto in cui Umberto sorride. Così ti ricordo e ovunque tu sia non dimenticarti di me.
Con profonda gratitudine.
Rete NeTVision
Dear Umberto,
One year after your passing, we all miss you.
Your professionalism, your passion, your ambitions and beautiful innovative ideas have given a great boost to the world of thermalism.
We will all remember you forever, trying to honor what you did.
But beyond all this, we will always think of you as a great and dear friend who left us.
See the
Staff of the "National Medical Research Centre for Rehabilitation and Balneology" of the Ministry of Health of Russia

Dear colleagues!
A year ago, Umberto Solimene, Professor of the University of Milan, President of the World Federation of Hydrotherapy and Climatotherapy (FEMTEC) and just a good friend of our Centre, passed away suddenly.
From the mid-1970s until his death, Umberto Solimene was an active collaborator with the National Medical Research Centre for Rehabilitation and Balneology of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, was actively engaged in research activities, regularly participated in scientific and practical events organized by the Centre and invited the Centre to various international events.
Thanks to his sincere involvement and interest in his profession, he made a great contribution to the improvement of balneology, hydro and climatotherapy, to the development of international cooperation and is remembered as a recognized expert in his field all over the world.
Umberto was known for his deep humanity, high professionalism, and diligence, readiness to help and support any endeavor, vitality and optimism. We’ve all suffered an irreparable loss, as this unique, dedicated, incredibly responsive, bright, wonderful person and leader is no longer with us.
The staff of the Centre extends its heartfelt and resolute support to the family, friends, and colleagues of Professor Solimene, expressing hope that his legacy will be carried on.
Dear Umberto, you will remain in our memory forever!
Massimo Boaron
Dear Umberto,
It's been a year since you left us, but your spirit and work continue to inspire us all. Your absence is felt deeply, and your memory among all those who knew you remains indelible.
I fondly remember your extraordinary ability to bring people together, share knowledge and infuse enthusiasm into every project. Your innovative vision has brought FEMTEC into the third millennium, leaving a lasting impact.
Your dedication was exemplary. You have always believed that the true legacy is knowledge, and you have demonstrated this belief through your tireless commitment to always looking forward. Your charismatic personality, your kindness and your contagious smile made every meeting with you a special experience. You were more than a colleague or a leader: you were a friend and an inspiration to all.
Your work has united countries on all continents: by looking beyond the boundaries of academic disciplines you have created a truly global community.
Your example continues to guide us, your legacy lives on in all of us who were lucky enough to know you and work with you. Your memory inspires us to continue on the path you have traced with so much passion and dedication.
Rest in peace, dear friend. You will forever be in our hearts and minds, a guiding light in the world of science and humanity.
With immense gratitude and affection,

Pedro Cantista
It's been a year since our dear Umberto left.
However, he remains always present in our lives, in our affection.
This photo summarizes what I always felt with Umberto: enormous joy, friendship, good disposition. There was no other way to be with him.
Speaking of Umberto, Natalia automatically comes to my mind: a great Lady, a great Friend. For her goes this memory of my unforgettable Friend.
Balneology will forever be linked and grateful to the enormous personality of Umberto Solimene.
I remind here the words I wrote one year ago:
His work, so vast and valuable, leaves a deep historical mark on world thermalism. Umberto Solimene knew and was able to bring together the entire Universe of Thermalism around him. FEMTEC united a huge number of countries of all continents. It is not possible in a message of condolences to list the unique journey of accomplishments such as those that Umberto Solimene was able to carry out. A deep and old friendship ties us to Professor Umberto Solimene. As president of the Portuguese Society, Past President of ISMH and member of FEMTEC I cannot fail to remember the long way of collaboration with President Solimene.
The best tribute we all can pay him is to give our best to not let his monumental work fall.
It is enormous task that requires everyone's effort. We lost our helmsman, our captain. Let's hope that his inspiration (that will remain forever in us all) will allow us to continue together his amazing work.
Peace to your soul!Pedro

Erus Sangiorgi
Carissimo Umberto
Ancora adesso mi capita di immaginare un progetto e di pensare "adesso chiamo Umberto e ne parliamo assieme".
E’ passato un anno e ancora non mi abituo alla tua dipartita.
Mi manca la tua gentilezza ,lucidità e determinazione, mi manca la tua vulcanica progettualità e la dedizione alla FEMTEC e al centro OMS per le medicine complementari
Ti ringrazio per questo e per la tua amicizia e non passa occasione dove in una conferenza o ad un corso, raccontando la mia storia non parli di Te , e di quello che hai fatto per il Termalismo , per le Medicine Tradizionali e per il centro OMS dell ‘ Università di Milano, poiché la mia storia ha incrociato la tua in modo importante
Grazie infinite e che la memoria di te sia sempre tenuta in vita
Emilio Minelli
Nella commemorazione della morte, 15-luglio 2023, del nostro amato Umberto tutta la società Femtec di cui è stato autorevole Presidente, lo ricorda con immutato affetto e ne rimpiange le iniziative e le capacità che l'hanno portato a fare della Femtec la prima società scientifica al mondo nel settore della idroterapia e della Medicina Complementare Integrata.
Con immutato affetto la moglie, la figlia e i suoi allievi si stringono per un ricordo e un saluto di memoria.

Sholpan Bulekbaeyeva
Dear Colleagues!
A year has passed since Professor, President of FEMTEC Umberto Solimene passed away from us. The professor was a highly educated, charismatic, kind person.
Professional in the field of balneology, motivator. He offered new ideas, new opportunities for the development of balneology in the world. With his departure, the family of balneologists became orphans. For a year now we have not been able to find the right solutions.
I wish his family, Natalya strength, health and endurance. I wish the FEMTEC family to continue the work of Umberto, his successor will find the right direction to solve all problems. Best wishes,
FEMTEC Vice President Sholpan Bulekbaeyeva from Kazakhstan
See the
Students and Professors of the Tourism Academy - RIAT
We remember you, Umberto!
Today we remember Umberto Solimene, a wonderful man who left us a year ago.
We remember him as a scientist who made a great contribution to balneology and as an exceptionally kind and softhearted person. However, we also remember this man as a genuine friend of Russia, as an active creator of Russian-Italian research, training and educational joint projects!
Since 2007 Umberto stats teaching at the Russian International Academy of Tourism (RIAT) and at simultaneously contributes to the creation of a joint Russian-Italian master's program “Management of Tourist Destinations” within the framework of the Faculty of Master's Degree.
Thanks to Umberto’s enormous authority in Italian university community, his ability to persuade and negotiate, an agreement on double-degree program was signed between the University of Milan-Bicocca and RIAT between the University of Milan-Bicocca and the Russian International Academy of Tourism in 2009.
As part of this cooperation, Summer Schools for Italian students began to be held in Moscow. During classroom and field studies, meetings with officials, Italian students became acquainted with the history and culture, geography of tourism, management and marketing system of tourism and hospitality of Russia.
Nevertheless, Professor Solimene wanted to reveal to RIAT students and everyone interested in Italy all the diversity of the cultural wealth of his homeland. He managed to introduce all of as to such a wonderful component of the culture of this country as gastronomy. He established contacts between the Academy and the Casa Artusi association. The cultural center of the House of Artusi is located in the small town of Forlimpopoli (province of Emilia Romagna). House of Artusi is the largest Italian culinary brand dedicated to cooking homemade Italian food.
Umberto initiated the “Russian Days in Fratta”, which turned into genuine festivals of friendship between the two nations. A continuation of these festivals was a series of educational and occupational internships organized there, in Fratta, for RIAT students.
For a long time, Professor Solimene led the World Federation of Hydrotherapy and Climatotherapy (FEMTEC). Thanks to the efforts of this wonderful person, the opening of the RIAT international training center took place on March 20, 2015 - in the educational building of the Moscow branch of RIAT.
Much of what Professor Solimene started continues today. In particular, despite the complicated international situation, students continue to study within the framework of the joint Russian-Italian master's program.
Thank you, Umberto! You left a very good memory of yourself in Russia!

Florana Menéndez
In memory of our beloved prof. Umberto Solimene
Our memory and gratitude to his beloved companion and friend, who leaves an indelible mark, especially for those fortunate ones who had the privilege of being his disciples and collaborators.
Particularly recognizing his track record of dedication to training, research and innovation, his wisdom, passion and enthusiasm led him to international recognition.
And an example was his commitment to the creation of the International Chair of Health, Thermalism and Wellness Tourism inaugurated in March 2023 in Havana, collaboration of Femtec with Cuban and international institutions. And with the presence of important members and collaborators of Femtec who gave magnificent conferences.
The University of Havana, the Ministry of Public Health and the Cuban Society of Medical Hydrology proposed naming this International Chair “prof. Umberto Solimene” in his honor, which was unanimously approved at a Femtec meeting. Today they add to this memory.
All this, together with his strong convictions, commitment to excellence in training, new sustainable projects, protagonist of the development of Femtec, undoubtedly places him as one of the greatest exponents of Hydro balneotherapy in the world.
His memory and example will continue to accompany us for a long time, helping us to work better and keep the international work of Femtec high.

Castel San Pietro Terme
A un anno dalla sua scomparsa ricordiamo con affetto e gratitudine l'amico prof. Umberto Solimene (a destra nella foto insieme al nostro Ad Stefano Iseppi).
Solimene è stato dal 2014 al 2023, il presidente di Femtec, la Federazione Mondiale del Termalismo e della Climatoterapia. Durante la sua presidenza la Femtec è stata accreditata presso l’Organizzazione mondiale della sanità (World Health Organization) come unica organizzazione non governativa del settore.
Il Professore, con il suo staff altamente professionale, organizzò due convegni internazionali proprio a Castel San Pietro Terme, condividendo con noi competenze e relazioni di grande valore scientifico.
Per leggere la sintesi degli interventi durante l'ultimo convegno Femtec a Castel San Pietro Terme, "Alla ricerca del respiro perduto", svoltosi nel maggio 2023, cliccate